Was reminded of this song this morning:
Which got me wondering if we were there yet. Hmmm, looks like you can take your pick – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Aquarius
Although if this IS the Age of Aquarius then I’m afraid that this interpretation listed (among others) in Wikipedia is probably the correct one:
- Proponents of medieval astrology suggest that the Pisces world where religion is the opiate of the masses will be replaced in the Aquarian Age by a world ruled by secretive, power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others; that knowledge in the Aquarian Age will only be valued for its ability to win wars; that knowledge and science will be abused, not industry and trade; and that the Aquarian Age will be a Dark Age in which religion is considered offensive.[12]
And this page has a nice collection of quotes about the Age including this one:
Many religions speak of the End of Days. It refers not to the end of the world, but rather the end of our current age – Pisces, which began at the time of Christ’s birth, spanned two thousand years, and waned with the passing of the millennium. Now that we’ve passed into the Age of Aquarius, the End of Days has arrived.
- Dan Brown, in The Da Vinci Code (2003)