Photo documentation of my building a 6 string D violone with the help of master luthier and good friend John Pringle. The project was begun in September of 2012 and finished – well, mostly finished – an hour before rehearsal on January 30, 2013. There were still many coats of varnish to do. The instrument made her performance debut in the white on February 3, 2013 at the North Carolina HIP Festival.
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Edlinger Original Checking measurements Sitka Spruce block for the top Maple for the Back The Top Glued Up Neck and Plywood Sheets for Making the Mold Finished mold Bending the ribs Ribs attached to mold Back with bracing Planing the inside of the top Carving the top Carving the Top Still chipping away at the top And still chipping away at the top Finally starting to take shape Carving the Sound Holes Pegbox Hollowing out the pegbox Almost There Final Assembly! Profile View of the Back Temporary Frets Pegbox Performing in the White The Violone – Finished!