The Sound of Women Singing

I love choirs. My earliest (enjoyable) musical memories are of singing in elementary school choir. Of course, I was a soprano then and got to sing the melody. Then there were years of no singing at all but in high school I happened to walk by the choir room as they were rehearsing “O Magnum Mysterium” (Victoria) and I was hooked. I gave up my lunch hour to sing second bass parts with buddy Steve Russell.

These days I mostly accompany choirs and we have such fine mixed choirs in the Triangle. But the sound that moves me the most is that of the unmixed choirs – all men, or all women – equally potent. This Saturday the Women’s Voices Chorus performs. I’ll be joining them on a few tunes playing bass as they celebrate dance. There will even be some dancers. John Hanks will play percussion.

Women’s Voices Chorus has been around since the early 90’s – founded by Mary Lycan. I’ve played with them many times over the years and they’ve had their ups and downs but tonight at rehearsal sitting in the middle of the ensemble I got goose bumps the singing was so beautiful. Rich, expressive, wonderfully in tune and oh, those altos! There is nothing like the sound of a women’s chorus. Cheerfully and artfully directed by Allan Friedman – yeah, a guy – but I can tell they love him. Should be a very pleasing concert – please come.

Saturday, May 2,  2:00 pm – Chapel Hill Bible Church