The Source of Wisdom
“The source of wisdom is whatever is going to happen to us today. The source of wisdom is whatever is happening to us right at this very instant.” – Pema Chodron
The Source of Wisdom Read More »
Well, at least sort of deep.
“The source of wisdom is whatever is going to happen to us today. The source of wisdom is whatever is happening to us right at this very instant.” – Pema Chodron
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This, approximately quoted from Gene Medler, founder and artistic director of the North Carolina Youth Tap Ensemble: How I teach: 1.) Teach them everything you know. 2.) Open every door you possibly can for them. 3.) Get out of their way. Congratulations to Gene and NCYTE on your 30th anniversary!
A Mantra for Teachers Read More »
God has no ego. Only man has an ego which is what totally separates him from God. When you tell me something is an offense to God, what you are really telling me is that your ego finds it offensive. God is all seeing/all knowing and takes offense at nothing. Christians, Muslims, Jews take note:
The 5:00 AM Thought of the Day Read More »
Every one of us has come in contact with someone who, even though he or she may be a total stranger, says or does something in such a kind and considerate way that it brightens even the darkest moments of our lives. Little acts of kindness. These days we need much more of that to counteract all the negativity and finger pointing and divisiveness in our society.
People who make a difference Read More »
It’s too late. I’ve started. Upcoming rants and raves have started brewing in my head. I’m a slow writer – it can take me hours to do a post. Things that keep me up at 3:00 – the fretting hour: Freelancing and Contractors – fear and loathing in the music world. No, I’m not going
Don’t Get Me Started Read More »
From time to time I get sudden flashbacks to some bad or embarrassing scene from the past. They make me shudder or exhale or sometimes even mutter something to try and make the thought pass on. They are nothing big and I don’t know why they plague me decades later but they live on in my body somewhere. One of the most frequent visitors is from college days – freshmen orientation, to be exact. It was the only time in my life I asked a total, absolute stranger for a date. We’d hardly had 20 words together before I asked her out. She declined, of course, but it was the gaping moment of silence that preceded that jabs me in the gut every now and then. I doubt she was stunned. I think she just wanted to see me squirm for a bit before she replied – give me time to regret. It worked.
But the memory that caught me off guard this morning is one that I’d forgotten for many years. It was third grade. Spring. The teacher told us to write a poem about Spring. I wrote the first thing that came to mind which was a song we’d learned to sing in second grade. It went like this:
"Robin, Robin, singing in the rain
Robin, Robin, Spring has come again"
and finished with something like:
"Pretty little Robin in the apple tree"
The teacher liked it so much (perhaps it had that familiar ring to it) that she sent it off to a children’s literary magazine who published it. I knew none of this until it was printed. My parents had signed a waiver to allow the publication, I might have even received some money, I don’t remember. I just remember being horrified that I would be found out – I had stolen this poem from our second grade sing-a-long book. I seem to remember trying to tell my mom that I hadn’t written this poem but I don’t remember her reaction or if she even understood what I was telling her.
I guess this all came back because it’s Spring – the robins are here. I can’t remember the third line of the song (and there were other verses but I only used the first one). If you know the rest or where it comes from let me know. I’ll put the tune up later when I have time.